Dec 2, 2019
"Trip Around The Sun" tells the comedic tale of tassel twirling, a Crock-Pot and the Swedish frog dance.
Nov 1, 2019
"Dearly Beloved" tells the comedic tale of a granny skirt, a karaoke machine and a German Shorthaired Pointer in a bow tie.
Oct 3, 2019
"Stand-up Guy" tells the comedic tale of an 80's boom box, bacon and a nudist next door neighbor.
Sep 12, 2019
"It's A Good Thing" tells the comedic tale of pine nuts, a pasty and an Enchanted Castle Cake.
Aug 18, 2019
"Had Me A Blast" tells the comedic tale of a wake-up call to Gloria Steinem, frying in baby oil and a Mazel Tov cocktail.