Dec 5, 2018
"The First Noel" tells the comedic tale of reinvented traditions, a hot legs contest and a 23-hour bus ride from hell.
Nov 1, 2018
"Adieu Contessa" tells the comedic tale of a mid-life decision that brings back memories of Midwest family vacations, hair restoration and Richard Gere.
Oct 18, 2018
"Google Boy" tells the comedic tale of a backyard UFO, old school stalking and Jackie O sunglasses.
Oct 1, 2018
"The Hooker Next Door" tells the comedic tale of a one-bunned Princess Leia and two suburban Nancy Drews.
Sep 12, 2018
"The Seven Year Bitch" tells the comedic tale of a Spencer's Gifts disco light, anger fatigue and a place called Puppet Town.